A domain is also known as a web address or URL. It’s what you type in your search bar to go directly to a specific website. For example, our domain is www.floridaregisteredagent.com.
Why do you need your own domain?
Some of our competitors offer free websites, but they come with a long, complicated domain. What’s the problem with this?
Well, first of all, long, complicated domains make it harder for customers to find you—they’re difficult to remember and type in accurately.
Second, these free domains are often tied to the competitor’s site. For example, the domain might be something like “www.competitorname.freesite.com/yourbusinessname.” That doesn’t advertise your business very well or look very professional. In fact, your site may be a better advertisement for the company that provided you with the free site than it is for your own business.
When you get your own domain, you can make sure it’s straighfoward and fits with your business branding. For example, if your business name is “Bandanas by Billie, LLC,” you might purchase the domain “BandanasByBillie.com.” That way, customers can find you easily, and you can use your domain name to help advertise your business.
Why isn’t there a set price for domains?
You’ve probably noticed that web addresses have different endings: .com, .org, .net, and so on. These suffixes are called Top-Level Domains, or TLDs, and some cost more than others.
Domain prices are set by a global non-profit company called the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, or ICANN. ICANN limits the amount of specialized TLDs (for example, .art or .shop), and these limited TLDs are often more expensive.
The average cost of yearly domain renewal is about $25, but can run you more or less depending on the value of the domain.
Can you transfer an existing domain to our service?
Yes. If you already have a domain but you’d like save money or streamline your billing by switching to us, sign up for Business Presence and contact our web services team about transferring. They’ll take you through the process. You’ll still get a year of domain service free. Note: your existing domain must be registered for at least 60 days before you can transfer it.